030611 - * - 23 new pix @ www.solstikkan.has.t ! ! !
Money won't buy you happiness but it does let you choose your form of misery.
What's the definition of eternity?
From the time you cum, 'till the time she goes home.
"Darling," she whispered after they had finished making love, "Will you still make love like that to me after we're married ?"
Frank considered this for a moment, and then replied,
"I think so. I've always been especially fond of married women."
A woman walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch. "I couldn't help noticing how happy you look," she said. "What's your secret for a long happy life?"
"I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day,"he said.
"I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise."
"That's amazing," the woman said. "How old are you?'
"Twenty-six," he said.
Two women were standing in a victoria secrets store when the sales woman noticed that the one womans breast were uneven....puzzled by this, she asked her why....well the one lady says that her husband cant go to sleep with out her one breast in her mouth.
...well the sales womansaid, well neither can mine and my breast are both the same size.
..well the woman then proceeded to tell the sales woman, yeah but I bet you dont sleep in twin beds.
My younger sister was having one of her first gynelogical appointments and she had some questions for the doctor.
"Doctor" she asked, "I can't ask my parents, They would kill me but my boyfreind wants to have anal sex. I don't know what to tell him, I mean I don't know anything about it. Can I get pregnant?"
The kindly old doctor smiled whimsicaly and replied "Of couse, you can
my dear. Where do you think lawyers come from?"
A fellow was sitting at a bar drinking when a gorgeous blonde came in
and sat next to him. After talking and having a few drinks together,
the fellow says to her, "How about playing the Magician Game?"
"And what would that be?" answered the blonde.
"We go to my place, have a few drinks, get into bed, have sex and then you disappear."
030611 - * - 23 new pix @ www.solstikkan.has.t ! ! !